Yesterday was the KPOP Summit. As always, my brain is empty and has no memory of what exactly happened last night. Everything just seems like a dream. But as usual, I had a lot of fun. When these events take place, I feel like I escape from my reality for a while. I forget the day, the time and all the burdens of my life. I forget that I'm in Year 12, I forget that HSC is approaching, I forget about all my problems…I forget everything and I am only focused on what is within the dance studio. That's why I'm so attracted to dancing. I still remember when it first started, a lot of people went but then everyone stopped going. I even stopped for a while. But during that time, i really felt somewhat…not that great. But now going back to dance, I really feel like everything is going well. So I'm really grateful for that.
Practising all these dances has really made me appreciate how much work is placed into perfecting these dances by kpop idols. We usually just spend 3-4 hours max during our dance practises and we don't even do the moves with much power either and yet we all feel dead and worn out after each session. Yet kpop groups spend hours and hours training and even after debuting practising. And I'm talking about long hours as in something like 9AM in the morning till 2AM in the morning.
It's funny because one of my friends hate on Justin Bieber and the reason he told me is that Justin Bieber didn't start from the bottom and make his way up through hard work. Rather, he just suddenly became famous over one night. And yet he comes up to me and makes fun of kpop. My brain just doesn't comprehend this. Not one kpop idol has not been through training. Whether it be one year, two years or even seven years. All of them have been through so much just to stand on the stage and do what they love to do. We have no right to bash anyone of them because to get to where they are together, they have experienced things far beyond what we are capable of. The other day my sister asked me 'kpop artists are just like normal people, why do you like them so much?' Like seriously, at that moment I could just grab out my laptop and type up an entire essay for her and for everyone who comes up and asks me something like that. I guess it's probably only something kpoppers understand. Everyone sees pretty boys and skinny girls dancing and singing on stage, but kpoppers can see how much work was put into getting there. All the hardships, all the sweats, all the tears and more importantly the support between members.
Anyways, I was spending my time watching EXO's predebut showcase and teasers again. Hahahaa, I still remember how I thought to myself when I first saw their teasers - 'these boys look so young, I don't think I can ever fangirl over them" and look at me now. The performance that really got me into them was definitely their first History performance at their showcase. The moment all twelve of them started dancing, the lights, the music, the audience screaming and the perfect unison just gave me shivers and goosebumps all over. And it was precisely at that moment where I just knew these boys were definitely going to be something.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAiURxu1whE&w=640&h=360]
I guess in the western world, talent is enough to get you to the top. But in Korea, talent isn't everything. Hard work is also necessary. I hear many stories about trainees dropping out because they cannot handle the training as well as the anxiety of the question "when will I ever debut or will I even debut?" So I guess those that perform on the stage these days are those with the strength and power as well as the talent. The other night I was watching SM's movie/documentary I AM. Most emotional thing ever. Seeing all the footages of their predebut and training days and then comparing to them now, they have grown and matured so much. I guess you could say that they were all just ordinary people to begin with but they have all grown to become true stars. Although I was not there to see the born of legendary groups such as DBSK and Super Junior and SNSD but I'm glad that I was there for the debut of SHINee and EXO. Especially EXO - they are probably the only group that I've been with since debut and I really look forward to the day where they too will shine like true stars on that stage.
Enough with the cheesy talk. But rather than seeing kpop as something with negative connotations such as plastic surgery, starving themselves, nothing special, trashy, only looks and bodies, I see artists as a sign of ... kind of a sense of hope and anticipation. There are so many times in the past where I actually thought to myself 'if these people can get through such hardships then I can also get through mine". Yeah I like to see these people as something inspiring like that but it's not something that many people can come to appreciate. I've given up hope trying to explain to them how much kpop has saved me from so now I'd rather just keep this special thing of mine to myself :) I really want to keep going but I feel like I'm writing enough already. This is just a kpop appreciation post. I really want to thank kpop for just being there for me when no one was there, for giving me strength to reach to where I am today, for bringing me laughter, for bringing me tears, for bring me adrenaline rushes, for letting me meet fellow amazing fans, for allowing me to release my emotions, for filling in the empty gaps of my life and for being a place where I know I can always turn to when I need comfort and on days where I feel like everything in my reality is crashing down. Thank you.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7z38zMcAVg&w=640&h=360]
When I can't find a place to stand
When I'm lost in a storm
The people that have given me unchanging love and courage
I send my gratitude to them
When we see people who've lost hope
We should become the great strength for them to stand up again
Because they might need the hand of a family like me
Like little hearts gathering to become a great strength
I believe we are one
Together we create happiness
Till the day when we become the light in the parched world
I love you
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