Here I am again, blogging in attempts to avoid starting my Biology assignment. Well, I do feel like I haven't written anything for a few days and if I don't start writing again, I'm going to abandon this blog soon so here I am.
Last night I had a really weird dream. Okay, it wasn't really weird but somewhat memorable. My Physics teacher was in it. She was presenting her usual powerpoints to us when suddenly she used EXO-M's Happy Camp appearance as an example of some Physics principle. Then something happened and after class, we were both fangirling with each other over EXO so it was really...weird.
Yesterday was horrible weather. Everything was dull and wet. Getting to Hurstville was hard because there were so many people at Sydenham station and it becomes worse when you have to run through them to make your train on another platform. In the end I missed it :( Studying was pretty good. I didn't go through as much as I wanted to but it was definitely a lot more than if I were to study at home. The internet is so distracting which is evident as I'm supposed to be making my models for Biology right now.
At tutor I wore my zodiac bangle I purchased at Lovisa last week. I realised how ugly the crab looked. I'm proud to be a Cancerian but the symbol is just not nice to me. Sometimes my birthdate really bugs me because it lies right on the borderline of two zodiac signs - Leo and Cancer. All these years I thought I was a Leo until one particular year my birthday lied in the Cancer region rather than the Leo one. When I'm bored I read facts on both star signs and I think I see myself more as a Cancer. Both signs are seriously extreme opposites of each other. That might somewhat explain why I'm such a contradictory person. I see Leo traits within me but overall I lean towards Cancer.
It is difficult for cancer to open up and have a close emotionally fulfilled relationship with someone because they are so closed off emotionally and physically to the world. This is driven by their fear of trust, Cancer has a difficult time trusting people. This causes built up anger and resentment inside, the contradictory nature really takes a toll on them and they can have a negative outlook on life, thinking that life is just too hard and miserable. This is unfortunate because when good experiences are to be had, they are skeptical of people and their surroundings and they experience tunnel vision due to their depressed outlook and they miss the nice things and happy experiences in life that make it worth living. In addition to lack of trust for people, Cancer is deeply sensitive and easily hurt, this is other reason why they have their defense shell in place, to avoid being hurt by others. Cancer lives in the past. They hold past events close to them and often dwell on the past. They have to learn to let go and live in the present instead of spending their time being sick with nostalgia. Cancer has a lot of emotional issues to deal with but once they overcome this large hump of shyness and insecurity, there is practically nothing they can't do. With their strong intuition, sensitivity, powers of observation and intelligence, they will have great success in anything they undertake. Cancer is constantly feeling, feelings and emotions are hallmarks of this sign and this is the root of their problems, human beings are not as evolved in the emotional area and this is where cancer gets the brunt of their problems. They are the ones who have to cope with their strong feelings more so then any other sign. Once properly harnessed, there is nothing that is this powerful astrology sign can not accomplish. Harmony is very important to Cancer, it keeps them happy. Conflict of any kind causes great distress. Deep inside, Cancer is a very powerful sign, they have the ability to stand up for what they think is right and they have lots of perseverance and can be fine on their own provided they don't let their emotions get the better of them and have the stability they need. They are not fond of change but they have the ability to do what needs to be done, they are not pushovers or lazy people.
Hm...there's nothing much that I need to say anymore. EXO-K is also ending promotions so I'm probably not going to hear as much from them anymore :( But I'm really excited and anticipating their next release! I guess it's a good thing for me because the urge to go on Tumblr and fangirl doesn't really go well with the stress related to not finishing assignments and not studying for exams.
Well since I've been doing water treatment in Chemistry, I've been coming across the term coagulation. It stirred up some memories of this song. I remember loving this song to bits when it first came out. I'm such a sucker when it comes to ballads. Listening to it again now makes me feel somewhat bittersweet. It feels like yesterday that we were spazzing over Super Junior's Sorry Sorry comeback stages. But it's been so long since that time. So many things have changed. Looking at how much the kpop world has changed has also made me think about how much my life has changed as well. /sigh I will leave these emotional posts for later. For now, come at me Biology Assignment!
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sME8ImQxbYc&w=640&h=360]
On the windows and on my eyes, dew forms, tears form. Where they're from and how they form over and over again - I don't know. The only thing I know is that it really hurts.
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